Thursday, February 24, 2022

Thurs. 2/24

6th Grade Science
Vocab Ch.7 L1&3 (#11-18) Do NOT do: lithosphere, ridge push, or slab pull

6th Grade Religion
BLM 44 (Name the Virtue)

7th Grade Science
w/s 51/54
**This worksheet is still due tomorrow. Please upload it into the assignment in Google Classroom. Check GCR tomorrow for a virtual assignment.

REGIONAL SCIENCE FAIR: Projects need to be uploaded to RocketJudge TODAY
I will be checking notifications this evening in case you have any questions

8th Grade Science 
Vocab Ch.13 L2 (#1-7)

REGIONAL SCIENCE FAIR: Projects need to be uploaded to RocketJudge TODAY
I will be checking notifications this evening in case you have any questions