Thursday, February 21, 2019

Science 7 - 2/21 (Snow Day)

Read p. 202-205 and take notes: 
Notes should include:
 - 4 steps in Natural Selection (see fig.8 in book)
 - define adaptations (in your own words)
 - 3 types of adaptations
 - what are camouflage and mimicry?
 - what is artificial selection? Define Selective Breeding

Do w/s 40/41 (I handed out this worksheet on Tues.)

*Posted on Google Classroom is a notetaking guide - optional for you to print off or copy

*Be ready for a QUIZ tomorrow on Lesson 2

(Regarding yesterday's activity - if you are confused or struggling with it, do your best to arrange the fossils in order, but don't stress; we will look at it together in class tomorrow and you can finish the key in your journal at that time.)