Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Science Fair help - examples of variables and controls

An example to help you determine your variables, constants, and control:

Example experiment topic: Which fertilizer works the best?
 Question: How does the type of fertilizer affect the growth of a plant?
 Hypothesis: Plants that are given xxx brand fertilizer will grow taller than plants given yyy or zzz brand fertilizers.

  Independent variable (the thing YOU change) - type of fertilizer 
  Constants - plant type, amount of water each day, amount of sunlight each day, same soil/conditions, and anything else you might do over the course of your experiment.  These conditions must stay the same for each plant (or trial in other experiments)
  Control - the one plant that you don't give any fertilizer to, but all the other conditions are the same
  Dependent variable (the thing you MEASURE) - the growth of the plant